Where do Raccoons Hibernate

Where do Raccoons Hibernate?

While many other mammals hibernate throughout the winter, raccoons do not. Raccoons simply decrease their activity during the colder winter months. They eat lots of food in the fall so they have the energy to make it through the season, and their fur gets thicker so they can be warmer. If there are raccoons in your area, be careful that you do not let them get inside your attic. Attics are popular denning spots for raccoons in the winter, where they will cause a lot of damage. Call Wildlife Removal Peterborough for raccoon removal and a complete pest-proofing of your roof.

In the wild, raccoons den under rocks and in tree hollows, crevices, and hollowed logs. Where there are humans, they often break into attics and dens under porches. While porches are popular in the summertime, attics are preferred in the winter because they are warm. To get inside, raccoons climb onto the roof and push their way through soffits or tear roof vents right off. Raccoons are excellent climbers, and they are quite smart. They are capable of solving simple puzzles and strong enough to break their way indoors. Once inside, they make little nests in the attic’s insulation.

How to Avoid a Raccoon Problem

Raccoons should not be let inside because they will dirty your home with feces. They will leave large piles of feces in the attic, which smell terrible and risk making you very sick. Raccoons have also been known to decrease the home’s energy efficiency by crushing and shifting the insulation, then exposing the attic to the elements by breaking holes into the roof. You can avoid this by hiring a wildlife removal company for exclusion. A technician can cover your roof vents with an impenetrable mesh and seal any openings they find, like gaps along the roof’s edge.

How to Remove Raccoons

If there are raccoons living in your attic now, you can have them removed humanely. A wildlife technician can find where the animals are coming from and secure a one-way door to the entry point. Like a one-way doggy door, the door will let the animals out safely but stop them from getting back inside. Once evicted, the raccoons will find another place to live. To ensure that they won’t come back, have the rest of your roof excluded by the technician. What you can do to help is to secure your garbage cans and remove all other potential sources of food, like fallen fruit and birdseed.

Raccoons are stubborn animals capable of costing you thousands of dollars in repairs. They need a place to live out the winter, but it should not be your attic. Call Wildlife Removal Peterborough for an inspection of your property and a full exclusion. We will seal and block off every potential entry point, saving you the trouble of an invasion into the attic. Our exclusion services come with a 2-year warranty. Call us today for wildlife removal services in Peterborough.