How to Identify Bat Droppings

How to Identify Bat Droppings

Bat droppings, also known as guano, were once a highly valuable resource. Thanks to their diet of insects, the guano that bats produce are high in nitrogen and other nutrients that plants love, making guano an excellent fertilizer. While we have other fertilizers today, bats continue to fertilize the soil naturally. This is wonderful for the environment, but not when it comes to the health of your home. If you suspect that bats are living on your property, look for the signs listed in this article. Contact us for more information on bat control in Peterborough and beyond.

There are 8 species of bats in Ontario and all of them are insectivores. As a result, every species has similar-looking guano. Bat guano looks a lot like mouse droppings: small and dark, like black grains of rice. Bats, however, roost from the ceiling, leaving piles of guano within the same areas. These piles get bigger and bigger over time. Guano may also appear shiny, with little pieces of insects inside them. Fresh guano smears, while dried guano turns to powder when crushed. Look for guano on the outside walls of your home and check for piles below the rafters in your attic when looking for signs of bats.

Do bats fly into attics?

Bats live in tree hollows, caves, abandoned mines, and old barns, but they will sometimes roost in attics. Attics are quiet, empty, and inaccessible to most predators, making them ideal for a colony of bats. Homes in the countryside or on the outskirts of town are the most susceptible. To get inside, bats will find a gap somewhere in the roof and crawl inside. These include gaps between the soffits and the wall, holes along the edge of the gutters, and other openings from natural wear and tear. Because bats are quiet, they often go unnoticed for a long time.

If you suspect that there are bats in your attic, see if you can go take a look yourself. Grab a flashlight and check the floor of the attic for guano. Then, check the rafters and listen carefully for squeaking and chirping sounds. Bats in Ontario are very small, fuzzy, and brown. If you see any, call a bat removal company right away. Do not attempt to remove the animals yourself because they are a protected species, and they can make you sick with rabies. A professional will let you know when it is safe to remove the bats and they will do so humanely.

Call Wildlife Removal Peterborough

Bats are incredible little animals whose habitats should be protected. If you’re interested in helping them out, have a bat house installed in your yard. To keep them out of your attic, contact a wildlife removal company and ask for a complete bat-proofing of your roof. At Wildlife Removal Peterborough, our technicians are highly experienced in bat removal. They can find the animals’ entry point and install a one-way door to it, which will let them leave safely on their own. Once out, they will find another place to live. Call us for safe and guaranteed bat removal in Peterborough.